
The Nullaki Lime Pit and Haul Road Development

WORK HAS COMMENCED… The Nullaki Lime Pit development on the Nullaki peninsula within the City of Albany involves construction of a heavy haulage route through a significant south-coast wetland and habitat for at least three threatened fauna species; Western Ringtail Possum, Australasian Bittern and the three black cockatoos. In brief,...

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Planning water allocations from our aquifers

Department of Water and Environmental Regulation staff recently presented to our committee on the work that is being undertaken by their department to determine how much water can be extracted over coming years from our aquifers. Below is an article from their department capturing some of the information presented. Water...

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The benefits of biochar & how to make it on a small scale

Biochar is a fantasitc product for improving soils and plant health and growth. An example of this is terra preta, which is a type of soil found in the Amazon rainforest. Rainforest soils are notoriously poor but terra preta are highly fertile areas within the rainforest which were shown to...

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Support for prescribed burning review

Torbay Catchment Group is one of 37 organisations supporting the Denmark Fire Study Group in its call for a review of prescribed burning across the south west. To be clear, we do not want to see burning stop, but we would like the burn parameters reviewed. Below is an article written...

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Keeping your cat safe and secure at home

Above Left: Homemade cat run making use of under eave space Above Right: Commercially built run, courtesy of Catio Spaces (www.CatioSpaces.com) Domestic cats, are a favourite pet of many people. I love all animals, including cats, but I also know just how much damage a free ranging cat can do.  It...

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Baiting and trapping results?

Anecdotal evidence from the last 18 months suggest that the 3 seasons of trapping and baiting may be having an effect on possum numbers and behaviour. Twice per year we survey an area of West Cape Howe National Park. This happens over approximately 10 nights. While that data is yet to...

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