Spring camera monitoring in West Cape Howe National Park (WCHNP) commences this week until 2nd September. It is part of TCG’s 3 year funding to address the status of the Western Ring Tail Possum.
WCHNP is considered to be important for the western ringtail possum. It has a number of unique characteristics; dense and productive peppermint habitat, and known populations of the western ringtail possum with potential to provide recruits to adjacent areas. Consequently, these populations may form a critical resource for survival of the species.
For that reason it is essential to preserve the key functions of local habitat to support the long term recovery of the species.
As part of a large integrated approach, camera monitoring in Autumn and Spring for the next 3 years commenced in May 2019. Camera monitoring will help determine feral animal movement and presence in the area.
Collaboration with DBCA helped secure the funding with ongoing knowledge, input and expertise throughout the project.
TCG is also undertaking Autumn and Spring baiting, trapping and shooting.
Download the map here
For more information
Tel: 0439 461 591
Email: wendy@torbaycatchment.org.au