Festival of Torbay 26th October

Join us for a full day of workshops and events showcasing the world-class environment and community of the Torbay Catchment! Free ticketed event. Kids activities throughout the day. Food and market stalls. Live music. Cultural activities and Welcome Ceremony. Crafting and guided nature walks. BOOK YOUR TICKET HERE Supported by...

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Revegetation Tour – April 2024

Thanks to Keith Smith, from Formosa Flora, for taking us on a super interesting Revegetation tour!.. The learning is endless!!!! Contact us directly if you’re interested in doing a reveg/ fencing project on your property. 🌱🫶🌱 info@torbaycatchment.org.au Welcome aboard The Revegetation Tour! With our super experienced and passionate local legend...

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Local HEWA farmer participants soil testing workshop 28th February

28th of February @ Elleker General Store – Understanding your Soil Test Results Workshop.  Local HEWA farmer participants were invited to receive their farm nutrient maps. These maps contain all of the data collected over the last year from soil sampling and tissue testing. The data showed what might be...

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Dr Christine Jones- Soil Secrets and Masterclass 10th-11th February 2023

We had a jam packed weekend with renowned soil scientist Dr Christine Jones visiting the Torbay Catchment. ‘Soil Secrets’ was an evening talk on Friday, where we had over 100 attendees and this was followed on Saturday with an all day ‘Masterclass’ where 35 participants were able to go deeper...

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A Noongar Perspective: Torbay Hill tour with Larry Blight

There was an unprecedented amount of interest in the tour with Larry, we had so many emails and messages of people wishing to attend after it booked out in a few hours. This has led to creating a second opportunity to re-do the tour for those who missed out but...

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Bushfire Preparedness Workshops November 2022

All of the attendees were very impressed with the presenter’s practicality and embodied experience that they were able to bring. It was particularly positive having members of the Elleker and Torbay Volunteer Brigades join the workshops and share their local knowledge and experience.  The food provided by Toni at Elleker...

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Help us by reporting your black cockatoo sightings

Black Cockatoo Reporting TCG is starting an exciting new project to help breeding black cockatoos in your area, but we need your help! Between October and November 2022 you could help us out by informing us when you see our black cockatoo friends! We would like to know: • What...

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HEWA plant tissue sampling October 2021

The Torbay Catchment Project Officers collecting and testing tissue samples as part of the Healthy Estuaries WA soil testing, whole farm mapping and agronomist advice to support better fertiliser decisions.                  

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Expressions of interest are now closed! Contact us to receive an update to be part of the soil testing program next year!

The expression of interest to participate in the next round of the soil testing is now now closed, but watch this space for next year. The program aims to support farmers to make informed fertiliser decisions to ensure nutrients stay on the farm and out of waterways and estuaries. Click...

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