The Torbay Catchment Group is involved in a number of projects, funded through various organisations. Most projects are aimed at improving farming practices and/or biodiversity protection and enhancement.

Projects can vary greatly, depending on funding availability, and landholder and partner involvement. Some examples of projects undertaken by the group include an artificial wetland to strip nutrients from farm run-off, establishment of riparian vegetation along creeklines, protecting critically endangered species such as western ringtail possums and black cockatoos, construction of a multi-use trail, shorebird surveys, upgrading a wildlife corridor and revegetation works.

More details are available below and on the completed projects page.

Most projects require field work – planting trees, erecting signs, collecting seed, sampling waterways and much more. We are always looking for volunteers to help with these tasks, so if you would like to help, check out the events page or our emails for information on any upcoming field work and workshops.

Our current projects are:

Strengthening community and country across the Great Southern coastal macro-corridor




Joining the dots – collaborative feral management at landscape scale




Protecting and creating EPBC species habitat in a climate refugia




Climate-Resilient Conservation of Urban Western Ringtail Possum Populations – Torbay Catchment Group




Healthy Estuaries WA

Find out more about our completed projects here.


These projects are supported by funding from the Western Australian Government’s State NRM Program and Lotterywest