Many people in the Torbay catchment have had the unpleasant experience of discovering their beloved chooks decimated after a visit from a red fox (Vulpes vulpes). The fox originated in the northern hemisphere, and has adapted well to living amongst humans in urban and peri-urban areas. It is included among the IUCN’s list of the “world’s 100 worst invasive species”. In Australia it is a skilled hunter of native wildlife. We certainly notice when a fox takes our chooks, but what is not readily seen is the amount of native animals such as bandicoots, possums and other species that are killed and eaten by this introduced predator.
Red Card for the Red Fox and Rabbits Incentive Scheme 2012
The Torbay Catchment has many smaller landholders who are not legally able or would prefer not to use firearms or 1080 baiting to control foxes. The Torbay Catchment Group has successfully applied to the Red Card for the Red Fox Incentive Scheme for funds to purchase several large fox traps which are now available to be loaned out to interested landholders. We also have two smaller traps suitable for fox cubs or cats.
Trapping a fox takes patience and effort, so to maximise the chances of success it is important that the brochures provided with the traps are read and understood before a trapping program is commenced.
The Fox Planning Guide includes a wealth of information on the many fox control options and how to implement them safely and humanely.
There is also the Feral Cat Planning Guide for best practices on managing feral cats on your property.
We regularly hold workshops which provide updated and practical ways to implement fox and feral cat control on your property, so keep an eye on your email or check our events page on the website for the next workshop.
Borrow a TCG Cage Trap:
If you would like to register your interest in borrowing a trap, please phone 0429 614 312 or email
Recommended Resources:
Trapping of foxes using cage traps Standard Operating Procedure (
Trapping of feral cats using cage traps (
The Torbay Catchment Group regularly conducts feral animal control within West Cape Howe NP and City of Albany coastal reserves.
This includes baiting in WCHNP and trapping only within City of Albany coastal reserves.
The current baiting and trapping period for Autumn 2024 is 29th April until 10th May.
See map below showing areas where baiting will occur within West Cape Howe NP (indicated with yellow) and trapping within the coastal reserves (indicated in red) from 29th April until 10th May only:
Additional Resources:
- Glovebox Guide for Managing Foxes (
- Connect — PestSmart. It is important to connect with government authorities before undertaking management programs. This will help you connect with the relevant authorities in your region, as well as the Vertebrate Pest Management Association of Association who have links with professional controllers.
- NRM Regions Australia Natural Resource Management (NRM) is the integrated management of the natural resources that make up Australia’s natural landscapes – that is, our land, water, soil, plants and animals. The regional NRM model is about NRM regions working and partnering with a remarkable range of people across the country, from the local scale to the national level.
- Model code of practice for the humane control of foxes —(
- Canid Pest Ejectors with sodium fluroacetate (1080) — (
- FoxScan Home ( FoxScan is a free resource for landholders, Landcare groups, community groups, local Councils, professional pest controllers and biosecurity groups. It has been designed by landholders for communities to help record, monitor, map and alert fox sightings and activity.
- DEN-CO-FUME® Fumigation cartridges — (
- Cost effective feral animal exclusion fencing for areas of high conservation value in Australia
( - Catalogue of fencing designs (
- Guardian Dogs Best Practice Manual for the use of Livestock Guardian Dogs. Linda von Bommel.
- National Feral Cat and Fox Management Coordinator (
- Define your fox problem and assess impacts — (
- National Firearms Safety Code (