Festival of Torbay – October 2024

What an absolute epic day at the Festival of Torbay with a massive celebration of all things Torbay and to celebrate 25 years of the Torbay Catchment Group! We were honoured to begin our day with a beautiful Welcome to Country and smoking ceremony led by Vernice Gilles from Kurrah...

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Torbay Catchment Soil Testing Program expressions of interest are now open for 2024/25!

Join hundreds of South-West farmers that have improved farm productivity, reduced unnecessary fertiliser costs and minimised nutrient losses. Here’s what you can expect from the program: ✅ Farm soil and plant tissue testing and analysis ✅ Detailed farm maps and reports outlining nutrient deficiencies ✅ One-on-one agronomic advice and fertiliser...

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Soil Microscopy Workshop held in May

The fabulous Soil Microscopy 2 day workshop was held in May, giving our participants a unique opportunity to delve into the fascinating realm of soil microbiology and the essential role microbes play in soil health, plant vitality, and animal well-being.  Hosted by Torbay Catchment Group in collaboration with Soil Wise and...

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Grazing Matcher 2024-25 Expressions of Interest

Attention beef and sheep producers! Expressions of interest are now open for the 2024-25 Grazing Matcher program which has been specifically designed for southern WA climatic conditions and is heavily subsidised by MLA and Healthy Estuaries WA. Find out more at: https://southwestnrm.org.au/project/grazing-matcher/ or contact Jeisane Accioly at Jeisane.alis@gmail.com

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Reboot My Soil! An Online Bootcamp with Soil Land Food

Would you like to learn how to regenerate your soil’s health? Soils are one of your farm businesses most important assets. The Soil Wise program is offering a free online course delivered by Soil Land Food to provide professional support to help you on your soil health journey. Through the...

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Nutrient Calculator Tool

Spring has sprung! If you’re planning a spring fertiliser application on your farm, a free online nutrient calculator can help you work out how much fertiliser each paddock needs! Input your own soil test results, select the right fertiliser and calculate the application rate needed. The nutrient calculator is a...

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Plant Tissue Testing

Join us for a short session to learn how to accurately collect plant samples for tissue testing. RSVP is essential! Contact Jemma for more information or to book your place nrmo@torbaycatchment.org.au

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Multispecies & Perennial Pastures Workshop & Field Day – July 2023

Despite the wintery weather we had a great day out with Grant Sims and Prof. Lyn Abbott, learning about perennial pastures and multi-species cropping. The presenters were so inspiring and educational. Thank you to Department of Water and the SoilWise project and thank you to all the farmers and landholders...

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Fireside Chats 2- Revegetation July 2023

Our second Fireside Chat with Keith Smith on Revegetation was a hit! We got to hear about Keith’s award-winning project in Augusta and then dived down into the details and options available to landholders with their revegetation projects. Keith is a wellspring of knowledge and we are very grateful to...

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On-Farm Composting Roadshow- June 2023

In June 2023 Soil Wise, a collaborative project to help farmers and land managers improve their soil health and nutrient management, supported a roadshow across seven catchments in south-west WA to encourage farmers and landholders to build their knowledge and skills to make and use compost. The workshops were presented...

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