Foxes still plentiful but we’re still trying!

After a recent conversation with our resident fox shooter Keith Smith it is hard not be just a bit dismayed.  In spite of his (and his shooting partners) stellar efforts, the numbers of foxes entering their properties has not abated. Keith and Leith have both invested in thermal sights which...

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planting with Woodbury Boston students

Planting with Woodbury Boston – 28 July

Last Friday, 28th July, TCG had the opportunity to team up with Woodbury Boston School to undertake a planting day.  We were lucky enough that it just happened to coincided with the National School Tree Day. It was a real team effort with around 60 students, staff and helpers from Woodbury Boston providing...

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Memberships now due

Renew here  Membership renewals are now due, (if you haven’t already paid that is). Membership fees for individuals is $5 Our membership run from 1 July to 30 June annually, although you can pay for several years in advance if you wish to. Membership is open to anyone interested in...

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Community Survey – Your views are welcome!

As part of our new catchment plan  we want your views on what is important to you about our catchment. The survey takes no more than 10 minutes and will really assist TCG to make sure we encompass the views of our community into out new updated plan. click here...

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Meet our new Life Members – part 2

On the 24th of June, at a Volunteer Function, TCG awarded three new Life Memberships for outstanding contribution. Geoff Prince & Kaye Stott Geoff and Kaye work together as a team. They have been volunteers for the Torbay Catchment Group for many, many years providing free web services. And by...

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Meet our new Life Members – part 1

On the 24th of June, at a Volunteer Function, TCG awarded three new Life Memberships for outstanding contribution. Graeme Heighton Graeme is a well known Executive Committee fixture, having served for no less than 15 years. He is currently TCG’s longest standing committee member and his contribution over the years...

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Cockatoos interested in nestboxes!

Over the past few years TCG have installed a total of 24 black cockatoo nestboxes around the catchment.  Now finally we have noticed a bit of interest. This photo was taken this morning. A flock of around 40 Carnaby’s Black Cockatoos have been in the Torbay area for the past week....

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Biofertilisers could help to cool the planet?

According to this article, recently published in the Guardian, biologically active soil may the best way to sequester carbon and cool the planet.  If so, TCG’s biofertiliser trials are right on the money. According to the article, soils are the second largest carbon store on the planet however up to 40%...

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TCG’s new Life Members

What a great night it was last Saturday night, when almost 40 people attended the inaugural TCG Volunteer Appreciation and Thank You Dinner.  The evening commenced with social aspect where people had time to network and catch up with friends they hadn’t seen for a while. This was followed by a...

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Possums and catchment planning – well attended

TCG recently held two well attended events, one at Little Grove and the other at Torbay.  Both events covered the same two topics – the critically endangered western ringtail possum and the latter segment was aimed at finding out what people value or love about the area.  The information gathered...

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