Biofertilisers could help to cool the planet?

According to this article, recently published in the Guardian, biologically active soil may the best way to sequester carbon and cool the planet.  If so, TCG’s biofertiliser trials are right on the money. According to the article, soils are the second largest carbon store on the planet however up to 40%...

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TCG’s new Life Members

What a great night it was last Saturday night, when almost 40 people attended the inaugural TCG Volunteer Appreciation and Thank You Dinner.  The evening commenced with social aspect where people had time to network and catch up with friends they hadn’t seen for a while. This was followed by a...

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Possums and catchment planning – well attended

TCG recently held two well attended events, one at Little Grove and the other at Torbay.  Both events covered the same two topics – the critically endangered western ringtail possum and the latter segment was aimed at finding out what people value or love about the area.  The information gathered...

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City of Albany tackles dune problems

The City of Albany has been busy making good on a promise to limit damage to the fragile dunes and vegetation between Cosy Corner East and Perkins Beach.  The very small area of beach between the two locations is easily accessed on foot from either end.  Unfortunately over the years...

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Possum surveying underway

The Western Ringail Possum is now classed as critically endangered.  TCG has enlisted the help of  Bronte Van Helden  from UWA, who is currently undertaking research into these marsupials to undertake surveying.  Surveying has commenced in the Torbay Hill/Cosy Corner area and will extend along the coast over coming months.  So...

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Plastic free July planning day Albany

July is the month where various organisations will be challenging people to go plastic-free.  The Albany Community Environment Centre is doing their bit and in the will be holding a planning meeting on the 17 June at the Vancouver street Cafe. To find out more about what they have planned...

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Free Event 14 June Torbay – possums and catchment planning

Next Wednesday 14 June we will be holding a free event at the Torbay Hall.  There will be two topics, our critically endangered Western Ringtail Possum and Catchment Planning  for the future – what you value about where you live. The event will run form 6-8pm at the Torbay Hall, Hunwick Rd...

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Local growers start dumping potatoes

Local farmers have started dumping potatoes due to the psyllid outbreak in WA despite no psyllids having been detected in the Albany area. Seed potato growers are still hoping that they main regain access to interstate markets but time is running out. Last week 3000 tonnes were already stockpiled with a further...

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Torbay Bar Opening – Tuesday 30 May

We received this advice from Water Corporation yesterday – Please be advised that we are looking to open the Torbay Sandbar tomorrow (Tuesday 30/05/17).  Discharge to the ocean will occur thereafter upon the receding tide. Please contact TCG if you would like your information forwarded to Water Corp for inclusion...

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