On Tuesday May 2nd, surveying of western ringtail possums commenced in the Torbay catchment. The first area to be surveyed was adjoining West Cape Howe National Park. Surveying at various locations will continue over the next few months.
Very little is known about the possums distribution to the west of Albany. Data from TCG’s surveys will be help fill some of this data gap in this area.
These gorgeous little animals are endangered with a recent article published by the ABC (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-04-30/critically-endangered-wa-possum-could-be-wiped-out-in-20-years/8482970 ) stating they could become extinct within 20 years if safe guards were not put in place to prevent this.
Please report western ringtail possum sightings to TCG to assist with informing where surveying will occur.