Film screening of Tomorrow – Torbay Hall

Come and join us for  the screening of Tomorrow  ALL WELCOME!!  Just come for the movie, or the join us before or after Entry $5  (to cover screening cost, hall hire, tea and coffee)  6:30pm  Film Screening 8:30pm   Discussion For more details please contact: or 0438 418 949  OR WHY THIS FILM ? Our...

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Regenerating Farming Soils with Walter Jehne Sunday 17 June

Walter Jehne is an internationally recognized soil microbiologist and innovation strategist. He has immense field and research experience in forests, grasslands, agriculture and soils at national (CSIRO) and international (UN) level. Walter’s scientific work has focused on soil biology, plant root ecology, mycorrhizal fungi, glomalin, soil-carbon formation, as well as...

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Sauerkraut Making Workshop – Saturday 5 May

NILLA’S ITALIAN KITCHEN presents a low food miles Sauerkraut Making Workshop. If you have ever wanted to make sauerkraut, and want to know the fermentation process is correct, then this workshop is for you!! Sauerkraut,  a fermented food, and is extremely beneficial for gut health. All ingredients and jars will...

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Free Bee Workshop – Sunday 13 May

DON’T MISS THIS FREE EVENT!!! If you have ever thought about beekeeping and wondered what is required, then this event is for you! This workshop will cover all you need to know to get started, including where to source your equipment from, what equipment to use, and where to get...

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Torbay Hall Markets – Sunday 6 May

Come down to the ever popular Torbay Hall Markets, happening this Sunday 6 May starting at 9am  – Booking a stall… Call Sally on 0419 091 049. Sites cost $15 for a 3×3 mt area. All sites are out doors with no power available, please bring all your own setting...

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Possum spotlighting – volunteer night Wednesday 16th May

Want to get up close and personal with our local wildlife? Come and join us for a possum spotlighting volunteer night to be held in Torbay on Wednesday 16 May You will need a torch – preferably a head torch – good walking shoes – warm clothes Bookings essential Book here...

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Tomorrow – film screening Friday 25th May – Torbay Hall

As a follow up to a recent meeting where Social Farming was discussed, the film Tomorrow will be screened at the Torbay Hall by the Holistic HealthCare Network on Friday 25 May commencing at 6:30pm . This will be followed by a discussions on Social Farming, the film and our...

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A busy year – lots of events

We have a busy year with many varied events ahead.  We hope you will join us for one or two of them. Keep an eye out on our events page for dates and booking details.  Below are a list of just some of the things that will be on offer....

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4 new grants commence

Torbay Catchment Group was lucky enough to be successful in receiving 4 more grants funded by the State NRM office. The grants are: ‘A Shared Vision’: Community-based NRM in the Torbay Catchment Area Western Ringtail Possums in the Albany stronghold population Optimising soil chromatography for community assessment of soil health The...

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