Tomorrow – film screening Friday 25th May – Torbay Hall

As a follow up to a recent meeting where Social Farming was discussed, the film Tomorrow will be screened at the Torbay Hall by the Holistic HealthCare Network on Friday 25 May commencing at 6:30pm .

This will be followed by a discussions on Social Farming, the film and our local communities.

more about this film

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What is Social Farming

Social farming is the traditional and innovative use of agricultural resources (including plants and animals) to develop activities that promote good health and educational outcomes through social inclusion in urban, rural and remote areas.

Other terms include, green care, farming for health, care farming, nature-based therapy, animal assisted therapy, gardening therapy among others.

Social farming Concepts

Draws upon extensive research that clearly links contact with the natural environment with improved health outcomes (physical and mental)

Is underpinned by three concepts: multifunctional agriculture, community-based social/health care and social inclusion

Includes all activities that use agricultural resources, both crops and livestock, in order to promote (or to generate) economic and social capital in urban, rural and remote communities