On the 24th of June, at a Volunteer Function, TCG awarded three new Life Memberships for outstanding contribution.
Geoff Prince & Kaye Stott
Geoff and Kaye work together as a team. They have been volunteers for the Torbay Catchment Group for many, many years providing free web services. And by web services we mean they have provided website design, construction, maintenance and hosting, at no cost. An amazing contribution, which has saved our small group a considerable sum over the years.
And while we are not entirely sure of when they first provided these services, we were able to find records of them working for us way back in 2001! And since then they have built no less than 3 websites for TCG, completely free-of-charge. In fact, they have been working away so quietly in the background that their services have gone largely unnoticed. When talking to committee members most were completely unaware of them, or the services they provided.
On the surface this may seem a bit strange, but, it really indicates two things.
Firstly just how trouble-free their years of service have been. The saying goes ‘bad news travels fast’, and you can rest assured that had there been any problems over the years the committee would have well and truly known who they were. But this just wasn’t the case. Therefore we have realised that they have provided 16 years of trouble-free service. A fantastic effort.
And secondly Geoff and Kaye have not been looking for accolades and recognition. They were happy to sit in the background and quietly get on with it. They have worked with the officers that have served TCG over the years to update web content. This has meant their contact with the committee has been negligible.
Geoff Prince and Kaye Stott 2017 TCG Life Members.