Johne’s Beef Assurance Score (J-BAS) is a self assessment risk profiling tool that allows producers to demonstrate what they are doing on their properties in regards to Bovine Johne’s Disease control and management
At this session, J-BAS explained, advice on creating your own security plan and; Frances Gartrell from LBN (Livestock Biosecurity Network) will be here to explain the process involved with J-BAS and to answer any questions you may have.
A session will be run on how to complete your biosecurity plan.
If you don’t have a computer then this session is for you, however, laptop owners also welcome!
When: 1.00 Monday 11 September at
Where: South Coast NRM Learning Centre
39 Mercer Road, Albany
RSVP by: Friday 8 September
To: Sally Forbes 9845 8540