West Cape Howe National Park – baiting commencing this week – May 2019
Download the map here Form more information Tel: 0439 461 591 Email: info@torbaycatchment.org.au
Download the map here Form more information Tel: 0439 461 591 Email: info@torbaycatchment.org.au
After 2 weeks of camera trap monitoring to get data about what feral predators are in West Cape Howe National Park, baiting by contractor Mike Butcher of Animal Pest Management is due to commence this Wednesday 15th May in West Cape Howe National Park. Big thanks to everyone at the...
The Torbay Catchment Group has secured 3 years of funding through the State NRM Community Stewardship program, aimed at protecting habitat, raising awareness and surveying populations of critically endangered Western Ringtail Possums. Included is an integrated feral animal control program which received praise by the State NRM panel stating that...
Come and join us for the screening of Tomorrow ALL WELCOME!! Just come for the movie, or the join us before or after Entry $5 (to cover screening cost, hall hire, tea and coffee) 6:30pm Film Screening 8:30pm Discussion For more details please contact: mcld@westnet.com.au or 0438 418 949 OR holistichealthcarenetwork@gmail.com WHY THIS FILM ? Our...
Walter Jehne is an internationally recognized soil microbiologist and innovation strategist. He has immense field and research experience in forests, grasslands, agriculture and soils at national (CSIRO) and international (UN) level. Walter’s scientific work has focused on soil biology, plant root ecology, mycorrhizal fungi, glomalin, soil-carbon formation, as well as...
As a follow up to a recent meeting where Social Farming was discussed, the film Tomorrow will be screened at the Torbay Hall by the Holistic HealthCare Network on Friday 25 May commencing at 6:30pm . This will be followed by a discussions on Social Farming, the film and our...
Over the last week there have been several reports of a largish flock of black cockatoos in the Torbay area. They have been confirmed as Carnaby’s Black Cockatoos. The attached video was taken this morning, 27 March 2018, in Torbay by Keith Smith. 172 cockatoos were counted in this video....
We have a busy year with many varied events ahead. We hope you will join us for one or two of them. Keep an eye out on our events page for dates and booking details. Below are a list of just some of the things that will be on offer....
On the evening of Thursday 5th October around 45 people gathered at Oranje Tractor Winery to help celebrate our annual community catch-up and AGM. It was great to realise just how many people are actively involved with us through projects or as current or recent past committee members. At of course...
update 26 September: Vixens currently have cubs in dens. They are very very hungry, so make sure you are vigilant. Lock up your poultry and protect new born lambs. One of our shooters just lost a couple of chooks, in spite of all the foxes he has removed!! In August, one of...